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Sec. 2-2.801. - Purpose.
This Article establishes a Parks and Recreation Commission ("Commission").
( Ord. No. 14-725 , § 1, 10-21-2014)
Sec. 2-2.802. - Scope.
The Commission shall advise the Council on policies, procedures, and funding to establish, develop and maintain parks and recreational needs within the City.
( Ord. No. 14-725 , § 1, 10-21-2014)
Sec. 2-2.803. - Functions.
The Commission shall work closely with the public and staff to develop:
A Master Plan for parks and recreational facilities;
Recommendations for rules and regulations governing the use of parks and recreational facilities;
Recommendations for alterations, ornamentation, upgrades or additions to parks and recreational facilities;
Recommendations for City sponsored recreational activities; and
Annual budget recommendations.
The Commission shall perform other such functions as directed by the Council