
  1. Submit!
  2. Church of Christ
  3. Community Church
  4. Desert Song Four Square
  5. First Baptist
  6. New Life Assembly of God
  7. Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
  8. The Lord's Missionary
  9. Victory Baptist

Please send us your information to have your religious organization included! Email Information to the City Clerk

California City Church of Christ

Phone: (760) 373-2870
Fax: (760) 373-3202

Cal City Community Church

Phone: (760) 373-2346

Desert Song Four Square

Phone: 760-373-4330

First Baptist

Phone: 760-373-4967

New Life Assembly of God

Phone: 760-373-7813

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church

Fr. Kris Sorenson, Pastor

9907 California City Blvd.

Parish Office Phone: 760-373-2256

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Office Hours: Tues., Wed., Thurs. 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM; Fri. 8:30 AM – 12:00 Noon

Our Lady of Lourdes holds Religions classes and a prayer group.

Masses: Sat. Vigil 4:30 PM; Sun. 10:30 AM, 12:00 Noon (Spanish).

Weekday Mass: Tues. and Thurs. 5:30 PM; Wed. 9:00 AM; Fri. 7:45 AM

Confessions: Sat. 3:00-4:10, or by appointment

Anointing of the Sick: Contact Fr. Kris Sorenson

Baptism: Contact the Parish one month prior; pre-Baptism class required.

Matrimony: Contact the Parish at least six months prior.

Quinceañnera: Requires family ongoing Mass attendance, daughter’s religious education participation for two years prior.

Religious Education classes: Held weekly, registration required; classes are required for First Communion and Confirmation.

RCIA (Inquiry classes about the Catholic Faith): Sundays 1:00-2:30 PM, Parish Hall

Grupo de Oración (Spanish Prayer Group): Thur. 7:00-9:00 PM

Knights of Columbus Council 6705: 1st & 3rd Wed. 7:00 PM

Prison Ministry: Wed. 12:30-3:00 PM

Food Bank: Last Thurs. of the month, 9:00 AM, Parish Hall

Bingo: Thurs. 6:30-9:00 PM, Parish Hall

The Lord's Missionary Christian Ministry

Phone: 760-532-6408

Victory Baptist

Phone: 760-373-1388

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government interference.

Apostolic Church

     Faith Mountain Pentecostal Apostolic Church          7900 California City Blvd           760-338-3523     

Assembly of God

   New Life        21924 Calhoun Dr         Pastor Eric Fooks        760-373-7813    


 Achaia Missionary         PO Box 2416         760-977-9175      
 First Baptist Church       8770 Lupine Loop Dr        760-373-4967
 Solid Rock Missionary            21232 Kenniston St
     PO Box 2416 
 Victory Baptist Church           10173 S Loop Blvd       760-373-7314

Bible Church

     High Desert           10441 S Loop Blvd      760-373-7904     


     Our Lady of Lourdes          9970 California City Blvd           760-373-2256     

Church of Christ

     California City Church of Christ           20546 Lehigh St           760-373-2870     

Church of God in Christ

     Christian Outreach Ministries Holiness           19261 97th St      760-373-3588     
     Trinity Christian Church      10160 Redwood Blvd           760-373-0170

Emmanuel Christian Center

     Emmanuel Christian Center           21009 Conklin Blvd           760-373-1750     


     Desert Song Foursquare          20849 Hacienda Blvd           760-338-3633     

House of Miracles & Co.


Independent Missions

     Shekinah Glory Ministeries Street Warriors for Jesus             760-373-1736     
     California City Spiritual Outreach      9830 N Loop Blvd      661-251-0264

Jehovah's Witnesses

     Kingdom Hall          19649 Airway Blvd           661-754-3177     

Lord's Missionary Christian Ministry

     The Lord's Missionary Christian Ministry          8131 Aspen Mall           760-532-6408     


     Trinity Worships           9970 California City Blvd PO Box 2337           760-373-4068     

United Church of Christ

     Community Church          21001 Conklin Blvd           760-373-2346