Election/Appointment Information Page

APPOINTMENT FORM (fill out the appointment form and email or drop off to the City Clerk Office and we will contact you to schedule an appointment)


The elective officers of the City consist of a City Council made up of four Councilmembers and a directly elected Mayor. Elected officers serve "at large," representing the entire community, rather than a particular district. The Mayor is elected to a two-year term and the City Council are elected to four-year overlapping terms, and an individual to the Office of City Treasure, for a full term of four year. There are no limits to the number of terms they may serve.


Anyone who is 18 years of age, a resident and registered voter in the City of California City may run for a seat on the City Council.

 Nomination Period

The nomination period begins July 18, 2022 and ends August 12, 2022. Nomination Papers to file and run for office may be obtained from the City Clerk Office.

 Political Reform Act Campaign Disclosure Requirements & Filings

Since 1974, California has had in place a campaign finance disclosure law requiring candidates and committees to make public their contributions and expenditures. All local elected officeholders, candidates for local elected offices, and committees in support or opposed to local candidates are required to file their campaign disclosure reports with the City Clerk Office at specified intervals.

In general terms, the Forms include:

A candidate who does not anticipate raising or spending more than $2,000 may file a 470 "Short" Form to indicate his or her candidacy. If a candidate does not intend to raise or spend more than $2,000, this may be the only campaign finance reporting form they are required to file.

Form 501 indicates a candidate's intent to seek elected office and that he or she intends to raise or spend more than $2,000 in doing so. It must be filed prior to the solicitation or receipt of any contribution, or the expenditure of any personal funds used for an election.

A campaign committee must file a Form 410 within 10 days of raising or spending $2,000. Form 410 indicates the candidate for which the committee was formed, the name and address of the campaign committee, the treasurer, and the location (bank name and address) of the committee's bank account.

At semi-annual intervals during the year and more regularly prior to Election Day, candidates must file a Form 460 outlining the manner in which they raise and spend money in pursuit of elected office. Form 460 indicates the name, address, occupation, and employer of contributors as well as the name, address, and purpose for which payments have been made. It also outlines how much was raised and spent during that specific reporting period and in total for the calendar year. Detailed itemization is required for contributions received from a single source totaling $100 or more; expenditures of $100 or more; accrued expenses of $100 or more; and miscellaneous increases to cash of $100 or more. The law does not allow addresses to be posted online, however, that information may be available from the City Clerk's Office located at: City Hall/City Clerk Office, 21000 Hacienda Blvd, California City, CA 93505

The Political Reform Act requires most state and local government officials and employees to publicly disclose their personal assets and income. They also must disqualify themselves from participating in decisions which may affect their personal economic interests. The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) is the state agency responsible for interpreting the law's provisions. Copies of the forms for all City filers are available in the City Clerk's Office. They are also available at the FPPC's website and at their office at the following location: 1102 Q Street Suite 3000, Sacramento, CA 95811


The City Clerk’s for more information. (760) 373-8661.



See below for Open Appointments:


For questions contact the City Clerk at (760) 373-7140 or via email cityclerk@californiacity-ca.gov 


